Fishing Plan by Species WCVI Ucluelet Area 
(stat area 23/123)

  Trip Limit Comments
   See detailed Halibut Regs Page
1 per day 1 in possession if  Maximum size 102 cm (aproximately 30 pounds)
     Must Record length on license Immediately
2 per day all season long  4 in possession Must record on license immediately.
Inshore: Area 23, Ucluelet, Bamfield,  Port Alberni. 2 per day inshore all season

Nearshore: Area 123 < 1nm, 2 per day all season

Offshore: Area 123> 1nm non retention until July 14th

Offshore: Area 123 > 1Nm retention resumes July 15-Dec 31
 opens June 1  
 2 per day  4 in possession  Offshore in area 123 Hatchery Only
     Inshore in area 23 - only 1 of the 2 per day can be wild.
3 per day 6 in possession  Not required to write on licence on WCVI
   Learn More About Rockfish Recompression
3 per day (aggregate of all sub species) 6 in possession TOTAL In aggregate - see individual species limits
 Sub Species in Kyuquot area:    
Canary Rockfish 3 per day  6 in possession  As part of the overall limit
Vermilion Rockfish 3 per day  6 in possession   As part of the overall limit
Black Rockfish (Sea Bass) 3 per day  6 in possession   As part of the overall limit
Sub Aggregate: 1 per day from the following species group - not each
Quillback Rockfish
China Rockfish 
Tiger Rockfish

 2 in possession   As part of the overall limit - try to avoid
Boccaccio Rockfish - 1 per day 2 in posession As part of the overall limit - try to avoid
Yellow Eye Rockfish- ZERO ZERO must be live release and avoided

Ucluelet Spring Guided Fishing Options

Ucluelet Spring Guided Fishing Options

Vancouver Islands best early season fishery for April and May. Salmon and Halibut aggressively feeding on the coastal banks and inshore waters of Barkley Sound. Book by the day means you can set your own agenda! Trip Details »