Kyuquot Late July Fishing Report

Great Fishing & Great Friends!

Kyuquot Sound Dube Group Big Ling   This past trip Bill Dube the barber and friends from the Okanogan joined us and wow did they have a great trip!

Quality Salmon, Halibut and Ling Cod! This brute here on the left was 44 pounds caught by Dane Milton. It was one of four over 40 pounds caught on the same day. This fish was guided by Josh. What a day!!

The largest halibut of the trip went to Ron Rose with his fish weighing in at 67 pounds right on the maximum size of 133cm guided by Felix

The largest Chinook for the trip was shared with both Cy Gladish and John Egyed fish at 25.5 pounds guided by Henry Jack Jr.

Fishing for Chinook was great both inshore and offshore. The groundfish all from the offshore areas.



Bill Dube Group 2017    


What a great trip!

This seasons regulations

This season Kyuquot has seen the same salmon fishing regulations as 2016 which worked very well for the fish and the fishermen.  The benefits are two fold. First; more protection for local Kyuquot Chinook has been designed with the closure of Rugged Point. This specific area is known to hold big dark Chinook staging to head up inlet.

On the other side of the coin, an area previously managed as a slot limit, has now been opened up to normal limits of Chinook. The area from Thornton Island through Spring Island through Double Rocks are previously know as the "corridor".  With big runs coming through, increased opportunities in this area will allow anglers to access those abundant migrating Chinook!

Halibut limits also remain the same as last year. The large fish can be up to 133cm (70 pounds -ish) and the small one no greater than 83cm.


This year Kyuquot is selling out fast and with this incredible news its a season you really want to be a part of.

·        Available Dates

·        About Kyuquot 

·        Plan Your Trip 

Call anytime, day or evening 250-723-8022




On the Wild West Coast of Vancouver Island where the continental shelf meets the Island millions of Salmon migrate right by our doorsteps. You can be here too. Trip Details »

David and Marilyn Murphy (brother and sister team)

Call anytime for the latest conditions and reports

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